The energy from yesterday’s Rally to Unmask Our Children in Greenwich was absolutely electric!
Hundreds of people came out to show their support. Children ran around, care-free, unmasked, playing together and enjoying the fresh air and music, along with plenty of donuts and hot chocolate! Friends, old and new, traded handshakes, hugs and smiles without a worry about the dreaded ‘rona. The love of our children, and the desire to bring an end to the plandemic was front and center for everyone.
We heard from elected leaders, Rep. Kim Fiorello, Rep. Tom O’Dea, and Senator Fazio. We heard from community leaders from Greenwich, Stamford and New Canaan who have risen to the challenge to help lead the fight for our children. Like Dr. Elaine Monganelli, who told us the truth about masked science (there is none); Stephanie Edmonds, who is an NYC teacher on leave because she refused to get vaccinated; Trey Reynolds who spoke about the Greenwich RTC surprise; Deneen Borelli who spoke about the importance of parental rights; Joe Solari and his daughter, who so bravely shared a heartbreaking story about how her peers view the unvaccinated; and Jackie Homan, who spoke about finding the courage to stand up and fight. Even First Selectman Fred Camillo got on stage to show his support!
You know this is no longer about a virus, this is about control and power. This is about jabbing needles into our children’s arms, and using masks as a mechanism to force compliance. This is about federal education funding with strings attached that require covid mitigation strategies until 2024 that not only don’t work, but are harmful to our children.
This ends when everyone finds the courage to stand up and say no. This ends when we set aside our differences and come together as a community to fight for our children, who are suffering behind masks. This ends when everyone has access to the facts, because the truth shall set us all free!
This is a critical week for the fight.
Norwalk has a mask choice community forum tonight at 7pm. Stamford has a March for Mask Choice tomorrow at the Government Center at 4pm. The Connecticut legislature hearing on extending Lamont’s powers is all day tomorrow, and there’s still time to sign up to offer public comments and submit written testimony to The "Enough is Enough" rally is in Hartford on Wednesday at 10am.
We need to keep building on the momentum from yesterday, and come out in force in Norwalk, Stamford and Hartford. We need to send a powerful message to King Ned that We The People of Connecticut are done with lockdowns and mandates. We need to tell him that the masks are coming off our children, full stop. We need to tell him that parents will be taking control from here on out, which is the way it should have been from the beginning — when there is a risk, there should be a choice.
Do not remain silent this week, friends. Do not back down.
Be the light that helps others see.