That Op Ed in the Greenwich Free Press critical of Greenwich Patriots generated some buzz this week, including comments from the former RTC Chair.
The first thing we’d like to point out is that Ms. Wasserman has been a registered democrat since at least 2019. She obviously did not sign up to read the newsletter because her politics were in alignment. Like her, we also pay attention to the activities of other political groups in town. Spying goes both ways, of course.
However, there is nothing secret about what we are doing. Nor do we have anything to hide.
We are simply trying to share facts, stories and information that the local papers, like the Greenwich Free Press (GFP), will not cover.
Yes, we have been critical of masks, which do not stop covid, as the best research shows, and at the same time cause a host of other issues for children, including speech problems, brain fog, and anxiety. In fact, more than 150 comparative studies on masks demonstrate both ineffectiveness and harm. We’ve also been hard on hypocritical politicians who pushed masks and social distancing on children at school, while they attended lavish private parties, unmasked and in close proximity, often on the same day. Rules for thee...
We’ve been critical of experimental covid vaccines. And with good reason, after doing considerable research and careful analysis based on the data coming straight from the pharmaceutical companies, the FDA, the CDC, the NIH and based on what’s written on the package inserts for the vaccines themselves. The nine-pages of adverse events that Pfizer wanted to bury for 75 years sent chills down our spine, but Ms. Wasserman conveniently ignores these facts that come directly from the manufacturer’s clinical trials. Why is she blind to Pfizer’s own admissions of harm?
We’ve been vocal about the benefits of natural immunity. Which has been proven to trump covid shots again and again and again. In fact, many of the non-vaccinated people we know have never had covid, while the triple- and quadruple-vaxxed folks we know seem to be sick all of the time. Why is that? Are we to believe it’s just another vaccine-related coincidence?
We have supported the use of ivermectin, the “Zelenko protocol” and spike protein detox protocols after hundreds of people in our group successfully used these remedies. We trust the science, along with the personal experiences of our friends and family, over the media propaganda and scientism. Do you ever remember a time in history when was science so political? Shouldn’t it be a study of the latest data and facts?
We celebrated the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade because we believe in the sanctity of life, while Ms. Wasserman suggests the decision is tantamount to the government “forcing women into childbirth”… but does the government "force women" to get pregnant?
We frequently expressed concerns about young children being exposed to inappropriate content. Especially highly-sexualized, pornographic and profanity-laced content, the likes of which have been found in Greenwich Public Schools curriculum. We are pushing for traditional academics, decency and a school environment free from political agendas. What’s wrong with making our schools a safe space for academic learning? Shouldn’t all parents demand that of our schools?
That being said, we do agree with Ms. Wasserman on one point.
She said, “patriotism is what you do to help your fellow Americans.“
Every single day, we try to help our fellow Americans learn the truth about covid vaccines, learn about the woke agenda being promoted inside our schools, and so much more. We try to give our readers the facts and reasons why it’s so important to get involved instead of remaining silent.
We have helped save jobs for people facing vaccine mandates, contributed research to legal cases, helped secure religious exemptions, and even helped parents obtain mask exemptions for their children. We’ve inspired people to run for Greenwich RTC and for higher office. And best of all is that we’ve built a wonderful Freedom Family of the most amazing, kind and thoughtful Patriots you’d ever want to meet!!
We hope to continue to inspire more people to get off the couch, get involved and help put our country back on the right track.
God Bless America!