Today, we wanted to draw your attention to this excellent vaccine exemption letter from Dr. Pierrre Kory. Parents have consulted him on the health risks and benefits of complying with summer camp vaccination mandates. So he drafted a letter documenting the informed consent discussion he held with one family, which covers key issues regarding covid vaccination, including: 1) risks associated with receipt of a COVID mRNA vaccination 2) efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in preventing illness and transmission of COVID 3) efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in preventing severe disease 4) efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in reducing transmission to others 5) efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine in the prevention of “long-haul” COVID 6) efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine compared to the protection offered by natural immunity 7) the risks of a healthy child suffering hospitalization and/or death from COVID 8) the efficacy and safety of alternatives to vaccination (i.e. reliance on effective early, anti-viral, and anti-inflammatory combination therapy) This letter is so thorough and well-sourced. It could easily be retooled for employers still pushing vaccine mandates and/or booster mandates. It’s also helpful to share with friends who still think covid vaccines are safe and effective, even though the truth is they are injuring, permanently disabling and killing people at an alarming rate.