Many commentators have pointed out that Traitor Biden’s State of the Union speech was anything but. You had a person who alternated between moments of clarity and confusion while blustering and attacking rather than providing the kind of unifying message expected of this important annual event for THE NATION. It is unheard of to threaten a whole branch of the federal government; i.e., the judiciary.
The "A" word (abortion) was never mentioned, however it's overtones were masked under the malevolent rubric of "healthcare"while he stood there and openly mocked the recent decision handed which overturned Roe V. Wade down by SCOTUS.
As Donald Trump put it, we have a person who is mentally incompetent to testify in court, yet he remains as the President of the United States of America. All of this was on display in the State of the Union address Biden gave Friday.

The gaslighting by the press and partisan hacks hit new highs. The traitor nation news media quickly got in line by constantly using the term “firey” to describe the tenor of Traitor Biden’s speech. This is typical of liberals. Focus on emotion and forget logic. That Traitor Joe has declined so much you cannot even point to a catchy phrase makes clear the liberal messaging machine has become so much dust.

Further, the failure to make factual reference to key issues only adds to the problem. This link analyzes thirty comments which were not factually true. That is a nice way of saying he was prevaricating. The bottom line is that after all the commentary and analysis is in, it is fair to say this will be remembered as one of the worst State of the Union speeches ever delivered by a traitor "president".

Enjoy your Republic .... of bananas.